हिंदी में ग्रिड शब्द के अर्थ की पूरी सूची

  • लालच, लोभ
  • तृष्णा
  • दोषपूर्ण अधिग्रहण; धन के लिए अतोषणी इच्छा अर्थात घातक पापो के रूप में व्यक्तित्व

Below of the complete list of related words for greed.

  • Wisher
  • Wealth
  • Rapacity
  • Meanness
  • Jealous

Synonyms of greed

  • Rapacity
  • Avaritia
  • Covertousness

Example of greed

  • Investors become greed, creating furthure greed, resulting in securities being heavily overpriced, which eventually created a bubble.
  • Some academics disagree with the nation that greed and fear are main emotions driving financial markets.

Definition of greed

Desire to get more than necessary, that is, desire to get more than the fruit of the work done by a human being.


once upon a time; There used to be a person named Sonu in a village. He was running a hotel in that village. Along with providing his good food, he used to give newness to the people by preparing new dishes. His hotel was always crowded and everyone who dined at his hotel praised him.
Once another person from the same village started his hotel opposite Sonu’s hotel. People did not like to go to his hotel because of his food was not delicious. He was very worried about this and tried to know the artistry of Sonu’s hands. When Sonu was a cook, he used to write his recipes in his diary. He tried to steal his method. The man went to Sonu’s house the next night and stole his diary. Then he started making good dishes by looking at his diary, because the dishes were very tasty, so all the people started going to his hotel. Sonu does not come to understand to know what is happening and every night he secretly goes to her house and steals the book in which Sonu used to write. Then according to that process he would prepare a new recipe. In this way, Sonu became aware that after some days, he is doing something. The next night Sonu saw him coming towards his house and he started writing in his diary and he did not write the procedure for fixing the new recipe in that book in a proper order. He wrote that process in such a way so that the people eating that dish would immediately vomit. He stole that book as usual. Then he followed the process and prepared the dish in his hotel and after eating it, people started vomiting.
The police officer who knew the case confirmed; Ki’s dish was contaminated and arrested him. Then Sonu’s business reached new heights.

Moral: We must work on enhancing our talent; Because even in copying, there should be wisdom.

What does God say about greed?

Greed is one thing about which god has very sternly warned every body that it is one of the direct gate ways to HELL.


To become a successful manager you should be capable to communicate efficiently with others. One way becoming a better communicator is to be more specific with your message. Do you talk with a team member about an issue, but the behaviour or problem carries on? Do you assign tasks which aren’t done they way they should be? If so the problem can be you’re not being specific enough when communicating with them. Whenever you communicate using general or vague terms you risk the listener not receive the message. How well you communicate can determine how you’re seen as a manager and as a pro so it’s essential that your message is clearly understood.

You could make sure of this by learning to be specific. Are You Being Specific? The inspiration for this post comes from a latest conversation I’d with a colleague about problems with his team. Frank needs to be more of a team player. Eric needs to act more professional. Jane is always late for work. None of them seem to listen to what I say. They’re driving me crazy. He basically repeated everything he’d said about every team member he was having a problem with. If he spoke to his team members about the problems the way he spoke to me about them it was clear why his message wasn’t getting across.

Be specific. When talking with your team members always be specific about what you say. Be Specific – If you wish to clearly get your message across to someone you must be specific when talking to them. You can’t generalize an issue and expect them to comprehend what you would like them to do. Telling someone that they need to be at work on time isn’t specific enough to be effective. When discussing a problem with a team member refer to the specific problem or behavior. To illustrate your points give samples of actual situations. I want to talk with you about your attendance.

This month you’ve been late for work 7 times. On the ninth you had been 20 minutes late. On the thirteenth you had been forty minutes late. Last Monday you didn’t arrive at work until 9 AM. This is unacceptable. Last Monday I didn’t know if you had been coming in or not since you didn’t call me. This meant Tim had to do his job and yours. You would like to paint a clear picture of what you’re speaking about and the effect it’s. You’re an essential member of this team and I depend on you to be on time every day. Your morning report must be sent out by 8: 30 every morning.

Might Is Right

Might is right means people who have power succeed in proving themselves right, though they may not be right in the reality.

This happens because people have the power they can manipulate resources; they can bribe people in power and succeed in accomplish what they want. However, this type of success and achievement is called corruption. 

The truth is might could be right temporar seily, but in the long run only right is right. Only might is not right. In the history many powerful people tried to prove themselves right with their might; but they failed miserably. For example, Hitler tried to scare the world. He imposed on the world World War II and lakhs of people died in the war. Yet, he could not prove he was right.

In conclusion it can be said we should not endorse the principle of might is right, nor should we practice it.


Animals matter a lot in our lives, especially dogs or cats. Those who love us unconditionally or every day by faith, and at the same time they seek love and faith in us from the depths of their heart.

Those who understand this matter; That love, emotion, etc. are also coded inside them, and that is why every little thing matters so much to them.

The story begins with a family bringing a dog home from an animal shelter. Some time ago a person went to adopt a ‘Golden Retriever dog‘. At that time he did not even know; That his family is going to learn such a lesson; How sensitive and emotional dogs can be.

They were very happy with the dog. The dog was very cute, ignorant and playful. It had everything that an owner wants in his dog. Everything was going well; But suddenly one night when the owner got up, he noticed the strange behavior of the dog. The person had put a small grill on the outside door of his bedroom so that the dog could not come into his bedroom.The owner noticed that the dog looked at him from the grill every night. And watched him sleep all night. In Suru, the owner thought that the dog was not familiar with the new home environment. But even after some time, this strange behavior of the dog did not go away and he kept on watching it all night long. In such a situation, the owner thought that it should be taken care of more. The owner took full care of him but still this strange behavior of him did not go. The dog used to watch the owner all night.
Distressed by this, the owner showed him to the doctors but his health was absolutely fine. Then the owner took him to the animal shelter and he told this to his people. The owner of the animal shelter heard tears after hearing what the owner told him about the dog.

People who work there actually told him that the previous owner of the dog had quietly left the dog and left him in the animal shelter at night. In fact, the previous owner did so; Because his wife was pregnant and he could no longer take care of the dog. Here, when the dog woke up he found himself in an animal shelter. This broke his heart badly. He realizes that his boss has betrayed him and left him.Then when he is re-adopted by a new owner, the dog did not dare to sleep at night due to its old past; He could not believe his new boss. He was afraid that he would not be sent by any shelter in the night like a boss. Due to this fear, he used to wake up in the night and see his master and was sure that his master was sleeping.


Those who work diligently and diligently are closer to success. His whole life is spent behind only one objective that he has to achieve success. A person who is passionate and courageous understands every response according to his destination and moves forward.
Those who have a purpose in life, mold themselves according to that and face the difficulties that come in life.

After completing a journey slowly, finally success has to come to them, and their golden life has to shine, that is, they get moon stars in their life.
They live their lives full of happiness with joy.

Some people are full of laziness, in which there is no idea of ​​doing anything. In the end lead a sad life. And are upset thinking about their past; Wish! Then he would have stepped up the ladder of success.
They find their life as dark even in light. That is, those linseers spend their life even in darkness.

Hard-work is the key to unlock the door of success.


Some things that make me happy in my life. Which are happening frequently in my life and which gives me great pleasure.

My Parents:

I have a small family with my parents and two younger brothers. My father is a teacher and with his earnings, household expenses are incurred and there is an atmosphere of happiness in the house. My family cheers like a shadow and in which I keep trying to do something big in my life with joy.
“My parents is a wealth that has no value.”

My Friends:

My every endeavor in my life is also supported by my friends, who keep me excited for all my work. With whose cooperation I got various certificates during my studies, which has been a big reason for my happiness.
I believe that in my high school, with the support of friends, the name has been nominated in school.

For Friends;

“My shadow is my friend,
If swept away, there is an edge; friend.”

Affection Of All:

I want to tell through my words that; hatred closes its doors of your happiness. As long as you maintain hatred towards someone, you cannot succeed in your life not can you ever be happy.
Therefore, I wish that you will always be happy in your life and never hurt anyone.

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